Mentors Support Moms

Life is messy. We want it all Instagram perfect and Pinterest pretty, but it  rarely is. As we mentor young moms, we begin to realize that  serving, nurturing and discipling are all messy; because if we’re doing it right, we’re living life in the trenches right along with the ones we mentor.

This issue of our Quarterly Mentor Connection covers a few scenarios we know mentors face. We have asked some mentors to share what they learned and the tips that work for them as they support moms. Click on the cover above to open or download. 

We are in a unique position to offer support to women around us, and as we
do, we get to help them see the good things in front of them – even in the
midst of difficult circumstances. Your perspective and support may be the
turning point in a mom’s life.

For more ways to support moms in your group, take our “Support Moms” course.